Saturday – June 22, 2013 2025 hours
Thanks Lauren Lee for checking in on me.
Hello Everyone, I would have checked in sooner. Been figuring out which position is best in the hospital bed, PT, icing, resting, debating with the nurses on pain medication, and more icing, has just been so much fun, I couldn’t get away from it.

This is day 4 ½ post-op, and following are some brief notes. I would like to expand more on pain management later on, and share with you my experience, and welcome feedback all.
1. Minimal swelling in thigh
2. Very little, almost no swelling at all in ankle/calf
3. Using Ankle Pumps for 2 weeks and taking aspirin 325mg 1 month for DVT
4. PT 3 times daily, won’t go into the details on this post
5. Sleeping a bit tough as I am not a fan of sleeping on back. Tried sleeping on non-op side and that didn’t go over well at all
6. Medication (in hospital)
o Every 4 hrs, 2 pills, Oxycodone 5mg, 2 pills
o Every 4 hrs, 2 pills, Oxycodone 5-325 mg, alternating hours of 5mg
o Twice daily, 325mg aspirin
o Twice daily, stole softener
o Once daily multi-vitamins and 2000 unit D3
o As needed, Ativan to fed off any anxiety I may get
o Basically taking pain pills every 2 hrs
Regarding pain management, or maybe I should say medicine management, starting day 2 post op the nurses were trying to increase duration of time with no pills. They “accidentally” move to 3 hours, and then tried going to 4. When I questioned them on it, they stated they either forgot to give them to me, or was waiting for a call from me to remind them. Fast forward to release day and what the doctor prescribed. WOW, it was a large reduction, meaning I would have to really increase the time between pills and reduce the qty. To put it in perspective, I would run out of the 5mg Oxycodone in 2 ½ days and the 5-325 Oxycodone in 7 ½ days if keeping to the hospital schedule. So here I go, trying to figure out how to make these pills last as long as possible while keeping the pain to an acceptable level. We shall See!
Input welcomed on anything folks…
To sum this all up, and assuming all this soreness and etc. goes away, which I am sure it will, I am please with the progress to-date. All the pre-op pain is gone, Yippeee, and I can tell the pain that I have now is the typical post surgery/muscle soreness.
Thanks All - Bob