I am a Dr.Brooks patient - he appears to be much more conservative than most MDs with his post surgery protocals - this doesn't bother me that much because I have other health issues that keep me from being as active as I like, and my operative leg is my "good leg" right now. but I was allowed to do hip flexion (with knee bent) right out of surgery and was encouraged to do so (they even hook up a little contraption in the hospital bed so I would flex my hip myself - I loved it), but others are limited for a while in how much flexion they can do. However, I have worked in healthcare my whole life and have noticed that in general, people "recover" from surgeries and medical procedures much quicker than they used to. Hospital stays have dramatically decreased (some knee replacement are now outpatient). Rehab protocals advance quicker. Some of the older surgeons maintain some of the older protocals and their patients do fine, some surgeons use expediated protocals and their patients do fine. We have one MD at my hospital that still has his knee replacement patients on limited WB for several weeks, and they do fine. The main thing is know your surgeon and his work (as best you can) how his patients do, and trust them to know what is best for you.