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Long recovery always better?
« on: December 05, 2013, 05:34:02 PM »
Hi, just wanted to start this to see what hippies are thinking. This is such a great site and it allows us all to post and help other people too.

To me it seems that everyone agrees that the best outcome for hip resurfacing is to find the best surgeon and to follow post op instruction carefully. And that trying any post op activities any sooner than you surgeon suggests is really not smart.

We are all united when we help each other through the tough times. We prop each other up when we are down and admonish ourselves when we even think about cheating on our recovery protocols.

Where we all start crossing each other is when patients get cleared by their surgeons to return to their active lives including impact sports.

It is amazing how hip resurfacing patients are getting active sooner and sooner post op. But it is strange to me that there are quite a few here who greet these great stories with disdain and even name called some of those who have become active sooner than a year.

I'm just wondering what is fueling it.
Once cleared by the surgeon, what is the point of waiting if you are up to it?

Left BHR 11/30/12
Hospital for Special Surgery
46 years old


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Re: Long recovery always better?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2013, 06:51:51 PM »
Agree Chuck. I don't get it either.
I was a little taken back when I read a statement in a post today "And while we've had several fools on this forum posting about running at the 6-12 month mark don't try it,"
I respected Dr. Su to let me know when I was good to go.  If he would have told me 2 years, I would have listened.  He said I was good to go at 4 months, I waited until 6.  There's no cut and dry answer, except to listen to your surgeon and your body.

Got to return to my Ship of Fools... :)
RBHR Dr. Su 8/29/2011


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Re: Long recovery always better?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2013, 10:31:13 AM »
Very good point Chuck. We have to remember that whatever precautions we were given may not be the same for others. Like I shared on another post, I just had my surgery with Dr. Gross. I think everyone would agree that he is one of the top resurfacing doctors in the country. However, I was given a much more liberal recovery schedule than another young man that had surgery the very same day. I was told to expect to be off crutches in a week while the other guy was told to stay on crutches for the full six weeks. Obviously there was something going on with him that demanded a more conservative approach. The main point is that I don't know what was going on with that other patient but I trust that Dr. Gross knows what he's doing. I'm going to assume that in this case the doctor I've chosen knows best and follow his advise. If other patients are doing that then that's all you can ask. I wouldn't call someone a fool for following doctors orders. It would be another story if someone said they were going to directly disobey a doctors orders and do something not advised but I haven't seen anyone admit to that.

Dr. Gross Left Uncemeted Biomet 11/13/2013


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Re: Long recovery always better?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2013, 02:11:20 PM »
I am a Dr.Brooks patient - he appears to be much more conservative than most MDs with his post surgery protocals - this doesn't bother me that much because I have other health issues that keep me from being as active as I like, and my operative leg is my "good leg" right now. but I was allowed to do hip flexion (with knee bent) right out of surgery and was encouraged to do so (they even hook up a little contraption in the hospital bed so I would flex my hip myself - I loved it), but others are limited for a while in how much flexion they can do. However, I have worked in healthcare my whole life and have noticed that in general, people "recover" from surgeries and medical procedures much quicker than they used to. Hospital stays have dramatically decreased (some knee replacement are now outpatient). Rehab protocals advance quicker. Some of the older surgeons maintain some of the older protocals and their patients do fine, some surgeons use expediated protocals and their patients do fine. We have one MD at my hospital that still has his knee replacement patients on limited WB for several weeks, and they do fine. The main thing is know your surgeon and his work (as best you can) how his patients do, and trust them to know what is best for you.


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Re: Long recovery always better?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 11:33:31 AM »
I guess every persons anatomy is different, every surgical procedure is different and every surgeon has a different way of thinking. Times or recovery will vary. I have a friend who was told by her surgeon not to breach the 90 degree rule for an entire year!! In my opinion, if your surgeon gives you the go ahead then he knows best. I'm nearly 5 months post op and my surgeon originally said I should hold off skiing and any impact sports till 6 months. After that and after my 6 month x rays, if all is well, I will get the nod. I spoke to my physio the other day who was very against me trying to go skiing at the end of the season (8 month mark) and told me I should wait another year! Talk about confusing. I feel fit and healthy enough to start now but I wouldn't.

It's a difficult thing to decide on but I reckon, if you feel strong and well enough to do an activity and your surgeon said he /she is happy for you to do it then start doing it SLOWLY. If that activity then starts to aggravate your hip or you get symptoms then ease off. As for name calling ..... we are not here to do that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that's a bit out of order.

RTHR - 08/08/2013 -Mr johan witt, London


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Re: Long recovery always better?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2013, 10:54:00 AM »
I agree with David about listening to our bodies.  I was cleared by Dr. Clarke to start running again at 6-months.  As soon as I left his office I went and bought new running sneaks and socks.  The next morning I went for my first walk/run and it felt great.  However, I didn't feel so great the next day and realized that my body was not ready yet even though he gave me the green light.  I assume the green light was based on the bone regrowth etc., and certainly not the soft tissue that cannot be seen on a simple x-ray.

I decided to hold off on running because it was obvious that I had more healing to do.  I am nearing the 9-month mark for recovery and have chosen to wIt a bit longer to run.  I am power walking on a regular basis and really itching to break out and run again.  Maybe next month I will but for now, I can still feel that some more soft tissue healing needs to be done.

So basically my point is that we totally need to listen to our bodies as well as our surgeon. Our sugeon may give us a nod but that in my mind does not mean that I am ready. We are all individuals and need to respect that.  However, I can still envy thise of you who can resume your former lifestyles sooner than I.  ;)
LBHR 4/6/13
Dr. Michael Clarke



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

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Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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