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Goalie Updates?
« on: October 15, 2008, 01:35:47 AM »
Hey fellow netminders, how are things going? Hope recovery is going well.
For me, it's going well. I've exceeded my minimum expectations of success. E.g., recently went on a fairly strenuous 3 hr hike in Grand Canyon. No problems. Bike riding: no problem.
John, how's the golf? I'm not a golfer - just an occasional hacker. But went golfing a couple weeks ago, and it was great!
Brian, hope cycling and maybe hockey are coming along for you.
I still don't feel ready to get back on the ice, between the pipes. Lateral ROM is still a ways away. I'm still doing phys therapy, and it's still slowly getting better. Maybe it'll be ready early 2009.
I think a lot of recovery is also mental at this stage, but I don't want to push it too far, just in case. For the golfing, I started out with easy swings and never tried to really crush it (good advice in general, but not as much fun). On the bike, I was going to do some work on the rollers (where you have to balance), and I was worried about falling and lacked the confidence to let go of my support handhold. I recently read about a figure skater who has fallen many, many times with no bad effects (other than bruising), so I'm thinking about giving the rollers another try. While I can still feel effects of surgery (ROM restriction, and minor, minor muscle pain near the incision when I work hard), I'm reluctant to really let loose on activities.

Hope to hear from other happy resurfers,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 11:05:33 AM »

Sorry it has been so long.  Glad to hear that your recovery is still progressing.  I have been recently wondering how you were doing, I know you had planned to ride in the Tour de Tucson.  Is that still in your plans ?

As far as my recovery.  I feel really good.  My glut strength is increasing and I think maybe 1 more month and it should be back to full strength.  I am a little concerned about my felxibilty which I think is still be restricted by muscles and/or tendons located in the gluts.  I am still having difficulty getting my head towards my knee, but it is getting a little better every day.  I have been on the ice several times helping out at my son's hockey practices.  No real problems skating and I am starting to push it a little.  I think I will still wait to get clearance from my doctor before I feel comfortable in strapping on the pads, but I am dying to give it a try.

I did not do my planned ride which was last weekend.  A combination of fearing a fall and our kids sports schedules.  I have done a little very slow jogging for a very short distance maybe 100 yds tops.  Felt good.

If you do the Tour, I would be interested to hear how it went.  I hope your healing continues to progress.




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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2008, 11:18:56 PM »
Hi Brian, Tour de Tucson is this weekend. I'm looking forward to a good ride. I graduated from Phys Therapy a couple weeks ago. But I'm following the advice of my therapist and taking it easy - opting for the 80 ride rather than the 110 miles. My wife also rides, and to further keep from pushing too hard, I told her I'll be her dedicated mule for the ride. That said, she's a strong rider, and I'm sure it will be a good workout.
Our long ride for the week is usually around 60 miles, in a typical training week. It's interesting how the the minor improvements in surgery recovery show up on the bike. A month or 2 ago, I'd unconsciously sit up on the bike. And after the long rides, I'd get a minor sore back. I think probably a combination of the posture and recruiting the wrong muscle groups. Lately, the back hasn't been a problem, and I find myself unconsciously staying forward on the hoods and going into the drops (even further hip flexion) to spread the load differently.
After the bike ride, it's on to hockey, but in an old-timers pickup skate, and no goaltending yet. I'll wait to hear how it goes with you younger guys first  :) .
Good wishes for recovery and keep lookin' up,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 09:21:03 AM »
Hey Dirk,

How did the ride go ?

I am still biking on the trainer or spinner, no road rides yet.  The only thing keeping me off the roads is the cold weather.  I can get in my tri bars with no problem and I think I am pretty much ready to go.  I am stepping up my jogging a little, no problems there either.

On to hockey.  I strapped on the pads for the first time.  Nothing serious, I went on the ice for my wife's hockey clinic (basically a bunch of hockey moms learning how to play).  Shots weren't very hard (hopefully my wife doesen't read this) I went down in the butterfly a few times just to try it, also tried a few skate saves (old school style).  My right glute was still restrictive, otherwise everything felt good.

I plan on trying it a few more times before I look to sub in an actual game.  I will let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, I hope everything continues to go well for you and have a Happy Thanksgiving



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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2008, 11:08:38 PM »
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I don't think a day goes by that I don't give thanks for the state of medical technology that hip arthritis doesn't mean a life of diminishing activities until we end up a wheelchair.
The Tour de Tucson bike ride went great. I think I mentioned that my therapist (actually former therapist - I've graduated) was adament in advising me not to do the 110 mile ride. So I did the 80 mile ride with my wife. IT's a fun way to ride where she yells at me to slow or speed up to provide optimal drafting. She had a conspiracy of events to curtail her training the past month or so, so our time for the Tour de Tucson was a bit longer than her goal. But that said, 80 miles in a bit over 4 1/2 hrs is pretty good.
For me, the ride was almost easy. I'm happier than ever w/ my bionic hips! Enroute, we noticed a guy w/ a BHR jersey, and he was on the Landis foundation. That provided an interesting diversion to talk with him for a mile or so.
Good to hear that you strapped the pads on and went through the moves. I know that I've had some real breakthroughs in lateral ROM in just the past couple months. I think it's a case where those flexor muscles were cut and stitched, so they are both weak and tight. And it just takes time and strengthing and stretching to get back 'normal' lateral ROM.
I enjoy hearing of your recovery, so please keep posting. I'll be sure to do the same when I reach some hockey milestone.
Bilat 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball, ASR
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 10:47:51 AM »

Sounds like it was an awesome ride.  Both you and your wife should be proud of yourselves, nice pace for an 80 mile ride.

I will keep you posted on hockey.  I go to the doc this friday for my 6 mo follow up (a couple weeks early I'm really about 5-1/2 but who's counting).  Assuming I do not have any problems I think I will let my former team know that I can be ready to sub starting January.  I will let you know how it goes, and likewise keep the info on your recovery and milestones coming.



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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2009, 06:42:59 PM »
Hey fellas,
Just checking in to let ya know I am alive and well. It has been 9 months since my surgery and I feel blessed that this procedure has allowed me to renew the activities I enjoyed before the pain got too bad. I began golfing again in September and have kept at it (weather permitting) ever since.Not much of a replacement for hockey, but have been going to the local junior A Everett Silvertips games and having a blast. Really gets the juices flowing to get back at it, but thats ok I had a good run. Since starting rehab in May 08, have lost over 15 pounds and feeling great. Never had a gym membership, but signed up after my initial 3 months of therapy.Didn't realize my stagnant lifestyle had allowed myself to get a little pudgy. That and getting older.Hope you guys are back playing, bicycling and doing the things you love. I will do a better job of staying up to date, way too much going on the last several months. The best to everyone especially to you Pat, Dirk, and Brian. John

Dr. Jason Weisstein University of Washington (BHR) 05/08


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2009, 12:12:58 AM »
Hi Guys,
I just had my milestone 1 yr anniversary (for my first side). Good to hear that recoveries continue to do just that - recover our active lives. John, especially glad to hear that your glitch was just a temporary hurdle. I'll bet by now it's pretty insignificant to you.
I've played a few scrimmage hockey games in January but as forward. I told my wife I'd wait until I got clearance from my doc before playing in net. Trouble is I'm really bad as a forward, so it's certainly humbling but still good to see some of the boys.
My official 1 yr follow-up is in April, and I'm willing to wait until then.
It's kind of interesting how we fill in with other things. I've been riding bicycle more seriously with the void created by lack of hockey. The trouble is you really have to work hard at cycling just to suck at it. Unlike hockey, a lifetime's experience doesn't help you out much if you don't have the conditioning. The good news is that the increased dedication to cycling minimizes the absence of hockey. At this point, I'm doing a bit of stretching, lots of riding, but that's my program. When I consider goaltending, I know my ROM is still affected by the surgery, and I'd want to work on that a bunch more before getting serious about a return to goaltending. It's fine for most anything else, so that's why I'm not really working it.
On a goalie specific note, I am a bit concerned about the mechanical stresses of goaltending. I think the 1/2 splits that we do for the "new school" leg saves and then the leveraging from the hips to get up from the v-save position might require edge loading of the cup and head. At this point it's all theoretical/conceptual, and I think the best thing to do is like Brian, and put the gear on and just go through the moves to put the mind at ease.
Good luck,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2009, 03:00:36 PM »

Sorry I have been away for a while.  I have my own business and this economy thing has made things a lttle more complicated, but that's probably a subject for a different day.

Now let's get down to hockey.

I have good news and bad news to report

Good news first.... As you guys know I have been inching forward with returning to goaltending and I got to a point where I told my former team that I was cleared to play and was available to fill in if their goalie couldn't make it.   Well, about two weeks ago I got the nod and played in my first game since the surgery.  Physically,  I couldn't have expected any better of a result.  The resurfaced hip felt great and I was all over the place, even had to try a two-pad slide, no problems.

Bad news.....I sucked !  I couldn't have picked a worse situation to try and regain my timing and confidence.  Unbeknownst to me we were playing an 'A' level team, which I clearly was not ready for.  Not one nice unscreened slapshot from the point nor a shot into the breadbasket.  Everything was at a corner, every shot had a purpose and I was not ready for that yet.  After letting up 8 goals in the first period (that's right, 8 goals in the 1st period), I started to feel my timing coming back but I think I need a couple more rehab assignments against a lesser quality team.  Also, my non re-surfaced hip did not fair as well as I experienced a little pain on that side, nothing major, but I will definitely keep my eye on it.

Meanwhile, I am contemplating whether or not to get back into triathlon.  We will see.

Great to hear you guys are doing well.  Dirk, I have also contemplated in switching to forward.  I would really need to work on my shot though.

- Brian


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2009, 04:04:37 PM »
Hey Brian, are you the new goalie for the Pgh Penguins by chance?   :'(

All kidding aside, hey be glad that you're at least back in the game and your hip is functioning ok.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2009, 10:22:34 PM »
Hi guys.  I'm new to this forum, but I have to say it's very informative.  I'm a goalie, and I injured my hip making a save almost three years ago, so I haven't played since.  Doctors told me that I have severe arthritis which caused the injury.  I'm 35 years old and tired of being away from the game (and tired of gaining weight, being inactive).  I've decided to have the hip resurfacing in the hope of returning to the crease.  Please keep the updates coming, as I'm curious whether a resurfaced hip can withstand the stress of goalie movements at full speed.



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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2009, 10:10:08 PM »
Hi guys.  I'm new to this forum, but I have to say it's very informative.  I'm a goalie, and I injured my hip making a save almost three years ago, so I haven't played since.  Doctors told me that I have severe arthritis which caused the injury.  I'm 35 years old and tired of being away from the game (and tired of gaining weight, being inactive).  I've decided to have the hip resurfacing in the hope of returning to the crease.  Please keep the updates coming, as I'm curious whether a resurfaced hip can withstand the stress of goalie movements at full speed.


I wouldn't put off doing things you love, too long, especially when it's good solid exercise. I'm only 8 weeks out and my doc is amazed so far. He definitely attributes part of my recovery to years of hockey. If there's any way I can help, let me know. I'd be glad to give back, as so many folks have done for me. I'm 49 and still played (beer league) and officiated high school last year. I'm going to try basic forward skating already next week.
Take care,
May 11, 2009; Dr. Michael Tressler; Green Bay, WI


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2009, 09:58:39 PM »
Hi John and fellow netminders.
I still haven't returned to the crease. At 1 yr, 3 months or so post op, the hips are feeling much more natural than even 3 months ago. At the 1 yr milestone, they felt fine but I still knew I had prosthetic joints. Given that I think goaltending (with some fai) contributed to my arthritis, I was a bit concerned about returning to that position post-op, especially when the hips didn't feel quite right. Now that they are feeling up to it, I find that it's been close to 4 yrs since I retired, and I'm doing other activities that require a big time commitment (cycling).

Good to hear from you, Wingnut (I played college hockey many yrs ago in Michigan at Calvin College). I've been following your posts, and it's great to hear that your recovery is going so well. I think you should have quicker return to forward position and ref'ing than us goalies. Sideways/lateral ROM was a big challenge for me post-op, and that's the foundation for all butterfly goaltending. Skating wasn't a specific goal on my recovery timeline, but I was going to public sessions around 6 months, and participated in pickup games as forward at 10-11 months or so.
Keep lookin' up,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2009, 10:40:38 PM »
Hi John and fellow netminders.
I still haven't returned to the crease. At 1 yr, 3 months or so post op, the hips are feeling much more natural than even 3 months ago. At the 1 yr milestone, they felt fine but I still knew I had prosthetic joints. Given that I think goaltending (with some fai) contributed to my arthritis, I was a bit concerned about returning to that position post-op, especially when the hips didn't feel quite right. Now that they are feeling up to it, I find that it's been close to 4 yrs since I retired, and I'm doing other activities that require a big time commitment (cycling).

Good to hear from you, Wingnut (I played college hockey many yrs ago in Michigan at Calvin College). I've been following your posts, and it's great to hear that your recovery is going so well. I think you should have quicker return to forward position and ref'ing than us goalies. Sideways/lateral ROM was a big challenge for me post-op, and that's the foundation for all butterfly goaltending. Skating wasn't a specific goal on my recovery timeline, but I was going to public sessions around 6 months, and participated in pickup games as forward at 10-11 months or so.
Keep lookin' up,

Thanks!! To be honest with you, when I read about goaltending and hip resurfacing, that still scares me. You have to be SO flexible. I didn't get to skating this weekend, but I did some low grade biking, without incident. That was awesome!! I really don't know if I could do more or not, but I am SO afraid of screwing up the works... I will skate soon, because I should be officiating by November. I have to say though, that my mindset has changed, and I would rather be healthy first and skating later. Not really sure if that's good or not, but I AM going to try basic power skating in the next couple of weeks.
Stay well my friend,
May 11, 2009; Dr. Michael Tressler; Green Bay, WI


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2010, 11:37:18 PM »
Hi all, 2 years after surgery, and I finally played goalie again. The long delay wasn't so much a physical thing (worried about whether or not sufficiently recovered), and it wasn't so much a mental thing (worried about how I'd do), although those were factors. I think it was mostly a case where your schedule abhors a vacuum, and once you stop doing a recreational pursuit, you fill in your time with other things. It was probably close to 2 yrs before resurf surgery that arthritis affected my goaltending abilities to the point where I hung up the skates. So after nearly 4 years, I started thinking that hockey is something I used to do.
But I keep in touch with the boys, and a goalie got hurt in the morning pick-up league, so I told the league manager that I'd be willing to fill in.
It went much better than I expected, and after one game, I'm now a regular. The format is to assign teams based on whoever shows up, and then we play for 2 1/2 hours! (with 1 ice cut).
The hips felt fine. In fact, it almost seemed like they felt better and stronger after I played than before. Probably just the effects of adrenaline and endorphins, but maybe it's case where it takes a little push to move off the plateau.
One thing I learned: 2 1/2 hrs of hockey will make it painfully obvious where you have muscle weaknesses. Relative to hip resurfacing, the following groups were especially sore: glutes, groin (not pulled, just sore and weak; I think from lateral push-offs and maintaining a V, or butterfly, stance, and then especially contracting when down in a V and getting up), and finally those muscles that go laterally along the front, kind of right under the belt (piraformis?). If I were really serious about it, I'd devise a program to strengthen these problem areas, but more likely, I'll just go out and play and work on it that way. If anybody has any specific exercises, I'd give them a try.
It will be interesting to see where this goes. After trying to play out a few times, it was great to be back in net, back in a postion where so many of the nuances are still subconscious (handling rebounds, setting up for deflections - all that stuff).
Brian, John, and fellow once and future netminders, I hope to hear more of your recoveries. I still remember my pre-surgery question about whether I could play goalie again with resurfaced hips. My doc thought for a moment and said technically, theoretically, it shouldn't be a problem, but then he added that he's never heard of anyone playing goalie with resurfaced hip(s), and asked me to be sure to let him know how it goes. So we owe this continuing dialog to all the butterfly style goalies who will be coming along after us with arthritic hips.

I realize that this goalie thread also covers bicycling, and that's going to be where the time trade-off will have to come from if I start playing in hockey leagues again. Quick report on that topic. I did the full 108 mile Tour de Tucson this past November. There are so many variables and uncontrollables that I have a rule to avoid setting goals for this, but I got it into my mind that I'd like to get a personal best with resurfaced hips. I'm almost positive that I was in the best condition ever, but the day was cold and windy, and I think I was a bit overanxious during the first 1/2 of the ride (bridging gaps, riding at the front of groups). I ended up having hamstring cramps while walking at one of the stream-bed crossings and lost 3 or 4 minutes rolling in the sand and working the cramps out. I still finished a respectable 5:32, but missed a personal best by some 14 minutes.
Keep lookin' up,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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PT for goalies?
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2010, 12:55:25 PM »
hey guys,
Recovering from a May 10th 2010 surgery. Going well I guess... more pain than I expected but getting better.

I'm 51 and was injured 10+ years ago that caused the arthritis. I was playing (with major pain) up until about a year ago, but finally had to stop.

I think I'll be going to outpatient PT soon and was wondering if any of you had any special exercises or stretches you did to recover quicker. I'd REALLY like to be ready to play for the fall, but I know it's probably a stretch goal (pun intended).

One of the guys on my team is a PT and told me he'd work with me in the pool. He knows hockey and he says he can work specific areas to get me back, so I'm looking forward to that.

Hope everyone is progressing! I'm loving this site and all the great folks on it.


John O


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2010, 10:50:37 PM »
Hi John O,
Sorry but no specific advice for PT. I had outpatient PT for a couple months at 2 or 3 months post op. This was after I was getting around pretty well, but I still needed lots of work for both rom and strengthening.
I had a clunker (not all the time, but occasional at extremes of rom). As time went by, the clunking became more infrequent and at further extremes of rom.
Among other reasons, that's why I delayed getting in net again - seemed a bit overzealous to play goal and try to extend the leg as far as possible when I was still getting some clunking.
But I can say that just playing has been working for me. Every week feels better --- for hips at least, rotator cuff and other parts are having a few issues, but that's to be expected.
It's great to get back in net again - especially when I had somewhat written off returning to hockey.
Good luck,
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2010, 11:05:27 PM »
hey Dirk,
thanks for the reply. My rom at 6 weeks is pretty pitiful, so it should be interesting. I went to the dr. last week and he said I'm cleared to pretty much do whatever I want after 3 months, assuming I'm "ready." I'm planning on starting with rollerblading and if my rom isn't up to par by September (when the league starts up), I'm planning to play forward. I figure as long as I have the strength in the legs, I'll be ok with a limited rom as a forward. Either way, I'll be happy to get back on the ice. I'd much rather play net, but I don't want to rush it either. I was pretty encouraged by my dr's clearance, so now I can't wait to get on the workout trail.

I just started some Wii Fit+ routines (the easy yoga ones) and I can already feel that going to work, so maybe that will do it! I'll let you guys know what my Physical Therapist says about other flexibility routines.


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2010, 09:14:21 AM »
back in the net at 14 weeks! Still stiff, but as I said before, 200x better than I was the last time I played!
See my other post:


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Re: Goalie Updates?
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2010, 10:59:38 PM »
im 39 year old goalie - ref - and coach - i can not wait to get back out there!!



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