Hi Bill,
I too am having problems at 13 months post op. I was doing great at 2 months, and then the bottom dropped out. I saw Dr. Gross twice in six months, and then at my one year check up. Implant is fine, but I'm not. I've had a blood work up to rule out infection and metallosis...everything came back normal. Like you, Dr. Gross is stumped as to why I am having pain.
I consulted with a local hip surgeon who does resurfacing and THRs at 7 months, and his advice was to wait and see, it was too early to make any decisions. Last week I saw another hip surgeon who has me scheduled for a psoas injection to see if that it where my pain is originating from there (groin, thigh, buttock). There is a possibility the psoas tendon is rubbing on the cup. If my pain goes away, the psoas is the culprit, according to this surgeon. Dr. Gross did mention this could be my problem at my one year check up, but opted not to do anything at that time. All surgeons agree my implant is perfect.
I also have pain at my incision site, which seems to be puzzling every doctor I have seen. Nerve damage?
I have been in PT since April, tried accupuncture, and am just started working with a chiropractor who is using ART to try and help me. I work out, play tennis and just try to stay busy.
I'll keep you posted on my results after the psoas injection.