Mark Smith’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. De Smet 2023
I’ve great personal news to share. 6 1/2 Months PO, weather cooperating, fantastic night ride on a local mountain biking flow trail. De Smet, Adept MoM, Dec 8, 2023. Thank you Koen!
April 26, 2023
Twenty weeks post op today and doing even better than expected. I’m exercising about five days a week including enjoying mountain biking, stationary biking, ice hockey, slide boarding (ice skating simulator), and a significant amount of walking. Can easily walk without a limp but occasionally the first couple of steps start off with a limp. Less than my usual mileage but have a little over 600 miles for the year.
June 8, 2023
26 weeks post op yesterday. Over 1,000 miles cycling this year. Most recently cycling in the Provence region of France including Rhone River area, French Riviera, and Paris. About 150 miles cycling and 20 miles walking over 2 weeks. Both resurfaced hips are holding up very well!