Dr. Amstutz HR Stories Beth Barney Dr. Amstutz September 2000 Casey’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Amstutz 2008 Dave Grigg L C+ 3/24/1998 R C+ 2/12/2004 Dr. Amstutz Dr. Amstutz Hip Resurfacing Stories G’s 5 Year Update Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Amstutz 2011 G’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Amstutz 2011 Ivan Dekovic 14 Year Anniversary Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Amstutz 2000 Ivan Dekovic’s 12 year Anniversary Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Amstutz James Bi-Lat Dr. Amstutz C+ LHR 05/04/2004 C+ RHR 09/11/2007 John G’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Amstutz 2008 Karen McNulty Hip Resurfacing Story with Dr. Amstutz 2006 Ted Uncemented Conserve Plus Dr. Amstutz 2010