4 Year Update Brian’s Hip Resurfacing with Ceramic ReCerf From Dr. De Smet 2019
Brian’s Original Hip Resurfacing Story in 2019 https://surfacehippy.info/brians-recerf-ceramic-on-ceramic-hip-resurfacing-with-dr-de-smet-2019/
I cannot believe it is 4 years since I travelled to Johannesburg to have my new hip installed by Koen along with 3 other patients
I recall my emotions before during and after the 2 week visit
It took a lot of research ,anxiety and self-doubt before I finally pushed the GO button -the deciding factor was not least my visit to meet Koen in Belgium and the fantastic reception/discussion I had -Koen answered all my questions and addressed my concerns with honesty –in sharp contrast to my NHS UK experiences -where to ask questions was taken as an afront
The Flight to Johannesburg Id booked with KLM and was fantastic value for money -I booked Business Class -mainly for the return post op Flight On arrival I was chaperoned to the Hotel by Koens colleague Grant I met my co -hip patients -2 Swedish women and a Californian man -all super fit It was good to have company going through similar experience
We were admitted to Hospital and after pre op checks we met Koen and the next day we were scheduled -I was last and had concerns Koen would be tired after a long day in surgery
I came round after surgery and was relieved I could move both feet –I was then helped to take a few steps walking and even then I felt 100 times better -and returned to bed rest happier than Id felt for a long time
We returned to the Hotel after 24 hrs and spent 5-7 days recovering with rehab exercises and physio visit We departed at different times -I was last and sure glad I had a flat bed Business class Over the next 3 months I took things easy -not pushing boundaries and after 3 months things were improving and I was truly happy
It is now 4 years since my hip procedure and I can only say I have my life back -and now its not a conscious awareness I have a prosthetic hip
I have been able to return to Ski Instructing, Sailing, Flight Instructing -and importantly exercising such as Indoor Cycling (Spinning) and Walking
I have every anniversary had X rays which I have sent to Koen and he reports all is well
It is interesting to see the UK NHS has only completed one Re Cerf trial I believe -and still rely mainly on the standard Total Hip prosthesis -it is a pity as I consider my own outcomes are so positive with Ceramic /Ceramic resurfacing -and not least Koen De Smet’s expertise
I wish you well in making the correct decision for yourselves –Sincerely Brian
Original Story
Where do I begin?
The fact you are reading this already says a lot about you –and you are Id suggest inquisitive and seeking guidance on the best option to resolve your hip issue
If there is anything I have learned over the last c 2 years –when I was diagnosed with Hip OA –is take your time (if you have that luxury –see later) ,ask questions ,and research ,research until you are as certain as you can be that you are comfortable not only with the prosthesis –but the surgeon –its like having a car break down –the spares to repair it are the same –but there are competent and not so competent mechanics .
My Name is Brian I am a 65 year old Male UK citizen ,I am not an athlete –but I do value good fitness and health –and I attend spinning aerobics and cycling in addition to ski instructing and sailing when the opportunity presents in addition to flying instructing
I have historically placed my health care in the hands of the UK NHS (National Health Service)
April 2017 I had been experiencing Left Upper Quad cramping and tension –sports physio did nothing to resolve –and only after several visits /requests to my NHS GP did I get an X Ray
I was summoned to the GP clinic for a consultation with an NHS local trust Orthopaedic Surgeon – where there were no X rays present–only a radiologist report –Within 2 minutes I was advised I needed a new hip –and little else in terms of engagement –but the prosthesis would be a conventional THR stem
I said Id consider it and contact the Surgeon within 6 months–after about 8 minutes I exited the room totally demoralised and uncertain of what the future held
I was able to walk reasonably well but with some stiffness and I decided to research further before committing
The Internet has its critics –and despite my dislike of too much social media (I try to keep privacy as much as possible) –I find it is a valuable tool for research
I literally punched in ‘’Hip Operations/Procedures’’ and was given lots of options –one that did spark interest was ‘’Hip Resurfacing’’ –I researched further and it looked a sensible design –and it ‘’looked right’’ (I am from an engineering back ground and there is a saying –‘’if it looks right –there’s a good chance it is right’’)
I revisited the NHS trust Surgeon again and I still felt little engagement –despite my research that indicated his volume of Hip procedures was above average for the UK –we agreed mutually Id defer decision and revert at a later date
There is a lot of data out there as are lots of studies/papers –the thing to remember is DATA isn’t
INFORMATION –and some data don’t show the true picture of patient outcomes –and satisfaction
I came across the H1 trail –conducted by ICL which looked very interesting
I contacted the POC and was welcomed with encouragement as a Cohort Study Patient –but Id need my GP to refer me to one of the clinics outside my own local trust — that was collaborating with ICL
My initial request to my GP was not received with enthusiasm –as there was a comment that it would cost my local NHS trust money –It was only after I advised it would cost nothing that I was eventually referred to SWLEOC in Epsom
Comment by the GP was ref the Birmingham Ion issues –and to exercise caution
I attended SWLEOC October 2018 and I have to say the engagement was very good –2 sets of X
Rays and a long discussion with the Consultant who kindly placed me on the ‘’list’’ for the H1 Trial
I returned Home happier than Id been since April 2017 and with some hope
Unfortunately I received a letter in November 2018 advising the H1 trial had been suspended
I was devastated –but requested to remain on the ‘’pending list’’ when they restarted
I was offered Ski Instruction work in January/February 2019 –but decided that I should be conservative as my hip was getting worse –I did only 1 week in February –and then only 5 mornings to reduce impact
On completion of this week I had had enough procrastination and decided to make the push to get some resurfacing procedure
By March 2019 I had made lots of research into prosthesis/surgeons/patient outcomes and it was clear that Id have to fund a private treatment from my own savings –and this I think is where – certainly in the UK –we are reluctant to do so –due to the history of relying on the NHS –and not least having paid tax and national insurance for a lifetime –the expectation is to get some reciprocation and that can cloud good judgment
Given my enthusiasm for the resurfacing prosthesis –the only options were BHR/ADEPT Metal on Metal –and the 2 surgeons with any reliable track record /enthusiasm for this were my chosen options
I decided to try the NHS for one last chance and had an appointment with a different surgeon who had shown some interest in resurfacing
I attended late May 2019 –his engagement was much much better –he had the recent X rays that indicated further deterioration (my left leg was now shorter than the right –I hobbled rather than walked)
He listened to my request for resurfacing –but was not keen –(I could say more but it would be unethical of me) and I was offered an Exeter THR –in 4 months
My mind was made up –Id self fund Metal on Metal RESURFACING by one of my 2 options
I then learned that Dr De Smet had carried out Re CERF Ceramic/Ceramic and I thought fantastic — this has to be an option
I made appointments with both my options –and physically visited both to gauge the ‘’person’’ and engagement—however based on the excellent responses to my (very ) numerous emails Id almost but made my decision to chose Dr Koen De Smet
Koen gave me over 1 hour of time in Ghent to discuss the procedure , his method of surgery ,after care and I literally told him during our discussion ‘’Im yours’’
I departed the meeting with Koen —and for the first time I felt I had been fully engaged and treated as a HUMAN rather than a Statistic
I returned Home –transferred my payment and booked my KLM flights to Johannesburg (Business Classs on KLM is excellent value if you book far enough in advance and Id recommend it –even if its only on the return –as its a flat bed)
Flight arrival/departure details were emailed for Koens agent in Johannesburg
I flew out 24th June and felt happy at the prospect and confident in my decision
Koens agent/POC in Johannesburg Grant (also an Orthopedic Surgeon) was there to collect me and drove me to the HOTEL –St Andrews –Its a 5# Hotel –it is quiet and the rooms are like apartments – best of all the showers are huge and walk in –ideal for post op .Staff are nice as is the food and excellent value
Over the next day 3 other patients arrived –2 Swedish women (+ 1 partner) and 1 American man All were fit people and 1 was an athlete
D DAY !!
Grant arranged transport to the Roseacre Hospital am on 27th –I was able to leave a large bag at the
We all arrived and completed the preliminary paperwork assisted by very helpful staff
Following X rays we were shown to our respective Wards/Beds and asked to take cleansing showers and put on gowns
Over the course of the next few hours Koen had arrived and had an audience with each patient to discuss the X rays and procedures –as I had already met Koen in Ghent our discussion was brief as I was happy with the process –However Id suggest if you haven’t met Koen before he does take time to explain everything fully
Pre op Blood Tests/Blood Pressures taken and other admins done by very nice nursing staff
Anca –anaesthetist came and discussed in detail the procedure and epi dural/general
I was the last of the 4 to be operated on –Koen started on no 1 at c1300 and I was wheeled into theatre c2000 –I was given a sedation pill before which was welcomed –the last thing I remember was the anaesthetist asking me to think about something ‘’pleasant’’
I awoke and felt no real pain –or discomfort –I did panic a bit as I couldn’t feel/move my feet and had a fear that I had ‘’dropped foot ‘’ –I asked the nurse and she assured me it was due to the epidural
Koen and Supporting Surgeon Dr Frey attended us individually on ward to discuss the procedure and confirm all well –I was advised I had lots of Osteophytes and these were dressed off the Femoral
Head –bone density reaffirmed and Koen was happy with his work –that was good enough for me!!
Leanne came and assisted us out of bed to attempt the first post op steps –I managed better than Id hoped –up and down the corridor assisted by Leanne –whilst some slight discomfort –mainly stiffness –it was good to test things still ‘’worked’’ !
The Hospital staff were very good –as was the attendance of the Catering staff –and food
Day 3 we all said farewell to the Hospital staff –took photos and shared them with the staff HOTEL
Day 3 –Day 10 Transfer to St Andrews and on medication for pain –opium based and anti coagulants
Koen and his admin Hugo met us by the Hotel pool in the afternoon and discussed the procedures – which was a nice way to close out the process and once happy they departed for their flight
Most of the group slept/relaxed for the first couple of days
Most days we had breakfast in the restaurant and dinner in the evening –food is good and not expensive
2 of the 4 decided to rest predominantly in their room and had room service –but it was good to have the support of other patients and the Swedish girls partner was very helpful –going to a local shop for items
We all subscribed to a group Whats App which made communication easy
Physio came on day 3 and 8-and was good advice –encouraging to use the walking aids to prevent poor gait if discarded too soon
Once we had better mobility and reducing the medication some of us booked a local taxi to go to a local mall –which is of a high standard –with the usual franchises and food outlets –one visited the Mandela memorial in Soweto –a c1 hour drive –Rosebank -also an open air market on Sunday was nice with local produce and souvenirs
Grant was kind enough to redo my dressing on the last day as it had become wet –he took a photo of the scar and showed me –it looked tidy
Grant was very kind to take me to the airport –I was last to depart
KLM were good –I had special assistance so the journey to the Flight Gate was faultless by wheelchair
I was glad Id booked a flat bed business flight –it made the flight to Amsterdam comfortable and I slept the majority of the way with no swelling (I did not use compression socks)
I arrived Home feeling relatively fresh but have been listening to my body and sleeping as I need to – the only medication being the anti coagulant injection daily
I have returned to my local Gym and its nice to get the support of my friends –however I am not excessively exercising –merely ‘’dry runs’’ with little or no weight or resistance –and Ive driven (I have an auto) to a local riverside to walk as far as I can with the aid of the stick
I visited my local GP to request physio input and await this –but in the interim Im being sensible and listening to my body
Its only 2 weeks since my operation –so too early to make any further observations –but I feel confident in the Prosthesis and even more so that Koen did a very good job
I am more than happy with my decision to ask Koen to do the surgery –he delivered everything I expected –and more .
Koen made me feel like a ‘’person’’ rather than an ‘’item’’
The process of choice is daunting and my advice is to research as much as you can and if possible visit and talk to your surgeon before you decide
However if Ive learned anything its that whilst the choice of prosthesis is important –equally –or more important is the choice of surgeon –and it may seem obvious –but choose a surgeon who has high volume and continuity –its a one stop opportunity –so get it as right as you can
Koen for just being ‘’you’’ –my opinion is you are a very professional and humble ethical
/competent and empathetic person –may you continue your excellent work
Prof Frey for assisting Koen and reaffirming the successful outcome of the operation
Grant –for your excellent support and liason
Anca –for your excellent anaesthesia
Leanne for the post op Physio
Hospital staff –for their excellent care
St Andrews Hotel-for an excellent post op stay
KLM –for excellent flights/care
Pat Walter –not least for this excellent website to help people make the best choice
Mat Ortho –Re Cerf manufacturers –thanks Michael/Simon for all your very helpful pre decision technical clarifications /communications and the fact you actually make this prosthesis !(so also not least to Mike Tuke – MD)
With permission from Koen (who has reviewed this post) I will endeavour to update Pat Walter over the next relevant milestones –c3 month/6 Month/ 12 month post op and I sincerely hope it helps at least 1 person make a good decision –to ask Dr Koen De Smet to be their Surgeon
12 Week Update September 18, 2019
I’m now week 12 post operation as I write this and I am walking unaided after being in Spain for 2 weeks where it was hot and I did a lot of progressive walking – and also worked as a Flight Instructor
I have adhered to the protocols of physiology and tissue recovery following major trauma /surgery as follows
Effectively when a person exercises – particularly resistance weights – you are micro tearing the muscles –hence whilst its Ok to be mobile and do the Physio stretches – it’s not good to over stress the body in the first 6 weeks post operation – otherwise the already traumatised muscles/tissue have little chance of recovery – and can lead to inflammation/infection
WEEKS 6-12
The bone is still progressing through the Osteo Blast stage –and despite ‘’feeling good’’ I’ve been moderating my activities and exercise to low stress and movement rather than loading
I did my first Stationary Spin Bike Class 2 weeks ago –and advised the Trainer Id be ‘’doing my own thing and cruising’’ –luckily I have a good gym where everyone is very friendly and supportive –so they understood – so that’s what I’ve been doing – stationary cycling – but with low resistance
I’ve also been doing some basic swimming –which is great – or support and gentle exercise
It’s only 12 weeks since my operation –so too early to make any further observations –but I feel confident in the Prosthesis and even more so that my surgeon did a very good job
I’ve decided I’m not Ski Instructing in January /February – (6 months Post Op) despite being advised I’d be fine – I’m just so concerned of others who are out of control – and have an impact
I’m planning on returning to Spain to Fly and explore and maybe Sail too
Next Year I’ve been offered a post as Skipper (I’m RYA Yachtmaster) on a Sailing Yacht in the Med June –Sept –so that I am looking forward to!!
The UK NHS has a scheme that will refund a percentage of ‘Overseas’ medical treatment –provided it is carried out within the European Union –I applied for this via the EAA system –and was refused as the procedure was performed in South Africa –despite the Surgeon base in Belgium and the funds remaining within the EU –as it is Id not have been re-imbersed the full amount –but maximum £6,000—and it is disappointing –given the amount of Income tax and National Insurance Ive paid into the system for many decades –seems you have to be a ‘’newcomer’’ to the UK who has contributed nothing to the system to get all the freebies and benefits
I have been told by my friends in Gym/Leisure Centre I look Younger – maybe because I drink less and I’ve lost a few pounds too – but I think a lot is due to not compensating for the pain – and also the psychological effect the return to some ‘’normal’’ pain free mobility has had
I am more than happy with my decision to ask Koen to do the surgery – he delivered everything I expected –and more.