• 20 Years of Hip Resurfacing – BHR Past, Present and Future by Dr. Edwin Su 2017
  • ASR Removed from Market
  • BHR (Birmingham Hip Resurfacing) – 10 Years of Data
  • Dr. Edwin Su Hip Resurfacing Talk Part 1 – Part 6 presented March 2013 at 11th Annual Hippy Gathering in San Jose, CA
  • Dr. Gross’s Latest Hip Resurfacing Results Updated July 2020
  • Dr. Rogerson Replies to Dr. Kurtz Book and Opinions
  • Dr. Su Replies to Dr. Kurtz Book and Opinions
  • Dr. Su Responds to the Lancet Article 2012
  • Dr. Su’s Retention Rate for Hip Resurfacing Study
  • Dr. Vijay C. Bose Replies to Dr. Kurtz Book and Opinions
  • Hip Resurfacing in Teenagers Presentation by Dr. Pritchett 2023
  • Hip Resurfacing Positive Information Articles
  • I Want a Hip Resurfacing But am Concerned About the Negative Response in the Medical Community
  • Katie Ellis 25 Year Update HR with Mr. McMinn 1991
  • Make Resurfacing Great Again by Mr. McMinn
  • McMinn About Metal on Metal Implants
  • Metal on Metal Hip Resurfacing in Patients 45 Years of Age and Younger at Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up
  • Metal-on-Metal Bearings by Dr. Rogerso 2014
  • Mr. McMinn addresses the negative press about hip resurfacing and BHR
  • New Clinical Results about the BIRMINGHAM HIP™ Resurfacing
  • Pat’s Corner – Hip Resurfacing is still an excellent option 2012 despite negative media
  • Results of Hip Resurfacing by Dr. Brooks 2012
  • Return to Sports After Hip Resurfacing – is it Safe Study by Dr. Amstutz 2019
  • Running Activity After Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty
  • Smith & Nephew Press Conference about the Safety and Effectiveness of BHR – Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Device
  • Survivorship Rates for Hip Resurfacing from National Registries
  • The McMinn Centre Celebrates 20 Years of Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
  • Update on Hip Resurfacing by Mr. McMinn 2016
  • What is Hip Resurfacing?
  • What is the Best Bearing Type? Dr. Thomas Gross 2011
  • Young, active men are ideal for hip resurfacing by Dr. Barrack 2017