Dr. Rector HR Stories 10 Year Update Boomer’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011-2012 4 Year Update Boomer’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011 7 Year Anniversary Boomer’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011/2012 Alan’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2009 Anders Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 Anna Groth’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2008 Beth B’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2008 Bill D’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Rector 2011 Bob Cranny’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 Boomer’s 4 Year Update with Dr. Rector 2011 Boomer’s Bilater HR with Dr. Rector 2011 Update Boomer’s hip resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011 Carolyn’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Rector 2009 Chip Smith’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2008-2009 Clayton’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 Craig’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011 Creigh J’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2009 D Atkins Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2008 David H’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2006 David Klibbe’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 Dr. Kenneth Wolf’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2013 Dr. Rector Hip Resurfacing Stories Hench’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Rector 2010 Jeff’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 John D’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 John H’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2009 Judy’s hip resurfacing story with Dr. Rector 2009 Judy’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2009 Ken Newton’s hip resurfacing BHR with Dr. Rector 2011 Kevin, Rich and Irene’s Hip Resurfacings with Dr. Rector 2008 Larry White’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011-2012 Lori’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011 Mark C’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2006 Paul Sacco’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 Podgornymd’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Rector 2013 Randy B’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2006 Rob De Voto’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2010 Robert Martinich bilateral Dr. Rector 2007 Rodger Stewart’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 Sam McCandless Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2007 Scott Rovner’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 Steve Arms Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2018 Steve Zanowick’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 Tom Alford’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2012 Update John D’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rector 2011