Ironman, Triathlon, Marathon and Running 1 Year Anniversary Jim Thyne’s Hip Resurfacing with Professor Meek 2019 1 Year Update David Brewer’s H1 Ceramic Hip Resurfacing with Professor Cobb 2017 10 Month Update David Brewer’s H1 Ceramic Hip Resurfacing by Professor Cobb 2017 10 Year Update Jim’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing Dr. Marwin 2011 10 Year Update Vince Obsitnik’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Brooks 2012 3 Year Update Arrojos Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Su 2012 3 Year Update for Blinky’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Gross 2015 3 Year Update Kingrob’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Gross 3 Year Update Mary Ellen Loranger Hip Resurfacing Dr. Mont 2020 4 Year Anniversary Blinky’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Gross 2015 4 Year Anniversary Tri Hard Alan’s Hip Resurfacing with Mr. Treacy 2015 5 Year Anniversary of Alan’s Hip Resurfacing with Mr. Treacy 2015 5 Year Anniversary of Pete’s Hip Resurfacing 5 Year Update Christine’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Mont 2011 53 Year Old Woman with HR from Dr. Su to Run Marathon 7 Year Update Shelby’s Bilateral BHRs by Dr. Brooks Alistair McAlpine’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Tobin 2005 Arrojos Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Su 2012 Beau Necco’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Su 2022 Bert Eisenstaedt Hip Resurfacing Dr. Klug 2006 Beth Barney Dr. Amstutz September 2000 Bills Hip Resurfacing Dr. De Smet 2006 and Running Brian Flanagan’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Whately 2018 Chris Hip Resurfacing Dr. Clarke 2006 Christina’s 2 Year Update for Hip Resurfacing with Dr Su 2016 at age 27 Dave Phelps Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Mont 2011 David Brewer’s H1 Ceramic Hip Resurfacing with Professor Cobb 2017 David Rosen’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Su 2019 David’s hip resurfacing athlete with Dr. Su 2011 Donald Burtt Bilateral Hip Resurfacing 2007 Doug Hendee Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Drinkwater 2012 Ed’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing by NHS 2004 and 2008 Ed’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rankin 2011 and Dr. Thomas 2012 Gary Kobat Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Bose 2007 Gary’s Hip Resurfacing Mr. T.M. Abuzakuk 2009 Ian Cheal’s Bilateral Hip Resurfacing with Mr. McMinn 2001/2004 Ian’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Gopal 2009 Ingrid’s Ceramic on Ceramic Hip Resurfacing with Dr. De Smet 2020 Ironman, Triathlon, Marathon and Running Stories J E Macpherson’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Pritchett 2011 Jamie A’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rogerson 2014 Jason Hip Resurfacings Dr. Bose 2016 – Dr. Huff 2021 Jim Thyne ‘s Hip Resurfacing with Professor Meek 2019 Joe’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Plakseychuk 2015 Jon’s Hip Resurfacing with Mr. McMinn 2011 Juan Carlos Bermejo Sanchez Hip Resurfacing 2023 Keith Papa’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Gross 2019 Kiwi Boy’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Blackley 2014 Larry J Sheeler Hip Resurfacing Dr. Clarke 2007 Mark Machlachlan’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rogerson 2011 Mark Nelson Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Bose 2010/2011 Marty F’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Rogerson 2007 Mary Ellen Loranger’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Mont 2020 Michael Montgomery’s Hip Resurfacing Dr. Mabry 2007 Mike’s bilateral hip resurfacing with Dr. Ball 2011 Monica H’s Hip Resurfacing with Prof Girard 2015 MPH’s Hip Resurfacing with Mr. Shimmin 2015 Nadine Soffer 20 Year Update Hip Resurfacing Dr Schmalzreid 2001 Neil Richardson Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Engh 2008 Paul Bridgewater’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Brooks 2020 Paul Gardiner Hip Resurfacing 2022 Pete M’s Hip Resurfacing 2015 Peter’s Hip Resurfacing Mr. McMinn 2008 Peter’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Su 2018 Rich Hampton Hip Resurfacing Left BHR with Dr. Rogerson 3/28/11 Rick Rubio Hip Resurfacing with Mr. McMinn 2007 Rick’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Hickman 2010 Runner’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Pritchett 2017 Scott Tinley Hip Resurfacing Right BHR with Dr. Rogerson 12/13/07 Scott Tinley hip resurfacing with Dr. Rogerson 2007. Stephen’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Callander 2012 Vince Slupski’s Hip Resurfacing with Dr. Pritchett 2021 Vince’s Hip Resurfacing 2021